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Corporate Volunteer Council

The Central Arizona Corporate Volunteer Council (CACVC) is a network of businesses that come together to share effective practices and address community needs through workplace volunteering.Corporate Volunteer Council


  1. Encourages employee volunteerism among Valley businesses and employees.
  2. Serves as a resource and network for the community and its recipient agencies. 
  3. Supports corporate and community recognition of employee volunteerism.


Our Mission

To promote and foster employee volunteerism primarily through the sharing of ideas and information on programs and issues of community concern that may be addressed through volunteerism.


Why Join?

  • Coordinate volunteer support activities with other corporations.
  • Obtain current information on employee volunteerism from a centralized source.
  • Learn from professionals in the employee volunteer field.
  • Become part of a network of employee volunteer professionals.
  • Enhance your company's public and community relations.



The CACVC invites Maricopa County businesses interested in giving back to their community to join this powerful network. The CACVC works in partnership with HandsOn Greater Phoenix, Valley of the Sun United Way, the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits, and the Governor's Office of Youth, Faith & Family to engage our nonprofit partners.

Businesses with established employee volunteer programs, or those who are starting programs, are invited to attend one chapter meeting as a guest. Meetings are held the fourth Thursday of each month.

Join us to share best practices and address community needs through workplace volunteering. Membership is $100 annually, per company. For more information, please contact todd@handsonphoenix.org.

Active members can pay annual dues by clicking here or using the QR code below.


Barb Kozuh

Executive Director
Delta Dental of Arizona Foundation


Chris Helmuth - Treasurer

Senior Coprate Giving Specialist


CVC Members and Affiliates Include:

CVC Affiliates & Members            

Common Messages